Minimum Data Set (MDS)


Training and Rates

The Nevada Medicaid Case Mix Review staff consists of RNs who are Resident Assessment Coordinator Certified (RAC-CT) by the American Association of Post Acute Care Nursing to conduct training on Minimum Data Set (MDS) and Case Mix Review topics. Training is provided to facility staff during the review process and periodically to the provider and stakeholder community. Providers will be notified of upcoming trainings through the MDS-PDPM email inbox, and providers can also request specific training by writing to Past trainings and recordings can be viewed at the links below. 





How is the data used?

The information is transmitted electronically by nursing homes to a national MDS database at the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services.

The data is used to generate various reports: 

  • Report frequency gives a picture of the characteristics of the nursing home population in each state and nationally through the presentation of data on the frequency of response to specific MDS items. 
  • Quality Indicator reports present data on 15 "indicators" of quality care. This data is also presented at a state and national level. 
These reports are for public use, and they share information from the national MDS database. The RAI User's Manual for the MDS 3.0 was updated in October 2023.



Case Mix Review Overview

Purpose of Case Mix Review 

  • To ensure that free-standing NF's MDS coding accurately reflects the resident's medical, social, and psychological status at the time of assessment-and that Medicaid case mix reimbursement for the resident was appropriate. 
  • To provide assistance to NFs to aid in the accurate interpretation of coding instructions and requirements and related processes defined by CMS in the RAI User's Manual. 
  • For a detailed explanation of the case mix review process refer to Nevada Medicaid's Case Mix Desk Manual (coming soon). 



Nevada Supportive Documentation Guidelines

  • The Nevada Supportive Document Guidelines. This form includes federal MDS descriptions and categories. It also presents Nevada-specific requirements in addition to federal requirements. These more stringent standards and documentation requirements are described in the column named "Nevada Specific Requirements."
  • Nevada Supportive Documentation Guidelines are updated as necessary to reflect ongoing MDS changes, and it is the provider's responsibility to ensure the current version is being used to record MDS data. 
  • For additional information, please see the Nevada Supportive Documentation Guidelines


MDS Purpose and Overview

The Minimum Data Set (MDS) is part of the federally mandated process for clinical assessment of all residents in Medicare or Medicaid-certified nursing homes. This process provides a comprehensive assessment of each resident's functional capabilities and helps nursing home staff identify health problems. MDS assessment-forms are completed for all residents in certified nursing homes, regardless of source of payment for the individual resident. MDS assessments are required for residents when they are admitted to the nursing facility. They are also required periodically, within specific guidelines and time frames. In most cases, participants in the assessment process are licensed healthcare professionals employed by the nursing home.


